Sunday, 3 March 2019

GTO Test Dress

GTO outdoor tasks are performed in GTO Dress which is White coloured Short, White coloured T-shirt with collar, PT Shoes or Sports Shoes Preferably white in colour and Socks of white colour. Simply you have to wear all white colour dress.
Your T-shirt must have a collar.
Friends some of you might say that I have a T-shirt which is having a strip which is not white or you have a T-Shirt or Short which is not exactly White, or you have Sports Shoes which are not White, then we would suggest you buy new ones, Gentlemen you are going to attend SSB Interview, even attending it is many’s unfulfilled dream you got a chance to perform there so go there and give your best. More importantly if you wear anything among T-shirt, Short, Shoes or Socks which is not white in colour or not according to specification then no one is going to point you, but GTO will do all the talking with his pen and also you yourself showing that you are not made for Defence by not following rules which you have been told to wear a particular dress code and you are not obeying that code. The onus is yours but we suggest you wear the above-mentioned dress code.
If you wear glasses then you must make sure that you do not lose your specs while doing these tasks as it will create problems for you.

The Choice is yours whether to take White Sports or PT Shoes, but we suggest Sports Shoes as they are more comfortable while running or doing a Task.
Generally, there are shops at Service Selection Boards from where you can buy these items but their rates are quite high for them and are mostly out of stock.
Note – It will be an advantage for you if you carry a pair of each and every item, here you can leave Shoes. While doing tasks on the First Day of GTO your dress will become dirty and washing and drying it in Boards might be easy for some of you in summer but surely not in any other seasons like rainy and winter season. But if you carry 2 T-shirts, 2 Shorts and 2 Pairs of white Socks, then for both the days of GTO tasks you will glow White and will receive special attention. The decision is entirely yours to carry these items singly or in a pair.
Don’t carry your brand new shoes or clothes for SSB Interview because the shoes/clothes take some time to loosen up. Wear your shoes for many days before SSB Interview. You must feel relax and comfortable in those shoes and clothes.

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