Thursday, 28 February 2019

INDIA - JAPAN RELATIONS : Political, Economic and Commercial, Defence & Security Cooperation

1. Intro.

(a) Japan Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was on a two-day visit to India to participate in the 12th India-Japan Annual Summit at Mahatma Mandir in Gandhinagar, Gujarat. wef 14 Sep 17. Besides the exchange of visits by officials and ministers, summit level meetings between Prime Ministers of both the countries have become the norm over the last decade, the newly infused dynamism into the relationship by the successive governments in India (Manmohan Singh and Narendra Modi) and Japan (under the leadership of Shinzo Abe) is termed transformative and is largely driven by the domestic, regional and global factors.

(b) While China‘s growing assertiveness in the Indian Ocean as well as the South China Sea in the Pacific Ocean, its souring relationship with Japan and inconsistent relationship with India constitutes the regional factors, the competition between the USA and China on the global stage, the USA‘s historical alliance with Japan and deepening strategic bond between the USA and India in recent years, which are viewed as counter to China, constitute global factors behind the growing India-Japan friendship in recent years. It is against this backdrop, it is essential to understand the present nature of
India-Japan bilateral relations, the reasons behind the growth and the China factor in India-Japan relations.

2. Background.

 The friendship between India and Japan has a long history rooted in spiritual affinity and strong cultural and civilizational ties. India‘s earliest documented direct contact with Japan was with the Todaiji Temple in Nara, where the consecration or eye-opening of the towering statue of Lord Buddha was performed by an Indian monk, Bodhisena, in 752 AD. The modern nation States have carried on the positive legacy of the old association which has been strengthened by shared values of belief in democracy, individual freedom and the rule of law. Over the years, the two countries have built upon these values and created a partnership based on both principle and pragmatism. Today, India is the largest democracy in Asia and Japan the most prosperous.

3. Political Relations. 

Salient aspects of the India-Japan political relations are as under:-

Tuesday, 26 February 2019

INDO-ISRAEL RELATIONS : Defence, Security Cooperation, Agriculture & Water Conservation.

1. Introduction.

(a) Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi concluded the historic three-day long visit to Israel on 6 June 2017. Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gave a red-carpet welcome and had personally overseen and accompanied all the official engagements of Modi in Israel.

(b) During PM Modi‘s visit, New Delhi and Tel Aviv signed seven bilateral agreements that cover a range of bilateral relations – water conservation, space, science and technology and agriculture. Besides, most significantly, both the leaders announced the stepping up of the bilateral relations to the level of – strategic partnership – status.

(c) Apart from the signing of formal agreements and public display of solidarity with the host, Modi‘s visit to Israel is of much significance due to the following reasons:-

(i) It is the first visit by an Indian Prime Minister to Israel. Moreover, the standalone visit to Israel is also symbolic in nature as it indicates India‘s clear intention to de-hyphenate Indo-Israel bilateral relationship with Palestine issue and relations with the larger Arab World and Iran.
(ii) Though less in substance, the visit marks the 25 years of full diplomatic relations between the two nations. Though India recognised Israel way back in 1950, full-fledged relations with the Jewish Nation were established only in 1992.
(iii) It is during this visit, both the countries explicitly announced their intent to expand their relations from the conventional defence and security related areas to the emerging and developing areas like agriculture, innovation, space and science and technology.



10th ,11th 12th marks and % are not considered while applying for NDA is true. Yes the marks of these are not required to fill while applying for NDA on UPSC website . Now understand some important points regarding % in school .

1. NDA is first option to join defence services which 12th appearing / 12th pass boys between age of 16.5 to 18 .5 can apply (by the age 19.5 the boy should have joined NDA hence 18.5 years is last age to apply. ) The seats are approx 375 only.

In all SSB interviews the % and marks from 5th to 11th are asked and recorded by the officer. Rarely very very very rarely boys with low % ( repeating again rarely very rarely boys weak in studies get selected for NDA .

2. For Army Tech entry Scheme above 85 % in PCM in12th is needed and age between 16.5 to 19 years. Boys can apply only after 12th results are declared. Seats 95

3 For Navy B tech Entry above 75 % in PCM in 12th and above 30 marks in JEE ( Mains ) are needed . Boys can apply only after 12th results are declared .Seats 95..

4 For getting admission in good colleges after 12th Very good % is needed .

5. The date of birth is always 2 Jan and 2 July . For example the boys who are now in 11thclass have to apply for NDA on 10th June 2019 and age must be between 2 Jan 2001 to 2 Jan 2003 . The boys who are now in 12th class can apply again for NDA on 10 Jan 2019 ( Exam is on 22 april 2019 ) and the age must be between 2 July 2000 to 2 July 2002 .

Monday, 25 February 2019

Air Strike In POK By Indian Air Force : Planning, Execution and Result : Full Details

Response to Pulwama Attack : Is Air Strike was a Better Option

The air strikes by India deep into Pakistan at Balakot (near Abbottabad in Pakistan), Chakoti and Muzaffarabad (both in PoK) at 3.30am on February, the 26th displays a revolutionary shift in India's approach towards the handling of cross border terrorism. 

In an offensive that lasted 19 minutes,

12, IAF Mirage-2000s struck the terror camps with 1000kg bombs using precision guidance.

The mission was supported by indigenously built AWACS ( Airborne Early Warning and Control System) aircraft, called "Netra". This aircraft is like an airborne picket that can detect enemy aircrafts from a long range and performs command and control functions.

Reports indicate heavy casualties at the terror camps. JeM commander and trainer, Yusuf Azhar, the brother-in-law of JeM Chief Maulana Masoud Azhar is reportedly eliminated in the strike.
The operation was a befitting reply by India to the Pulwama terror attack and it also clearly calls Pakistan's nuclear bluff. 

I salute the decisive political "will" and the audacity with which the airforce conducted the operation. 
This highly risky and daring strike so deep into Pakistani territory is not only a demonstration of Indian military prowess, but is also a symbolic representation of India's intent to deal with Pakistan in future. The same was so essentially required.

भारत इजराइल क्यों नहीं बन सकता ?? : Reality Only few Know about it..

इंडिया इजराइल क्यों नहीं बनता...?

लोगों को आज प्रतिशोध चाहिए। बस मोदी टैंक लेके घुसे, और सब पाकिस्तानियों को ख़त्म कर दे। हम चाहते हैं, रातोंरात इजराइल मोड में आ जाये। 

नहीं, ऐसा नहीं होगा। मोदी है, तो मुझे पूरी अपेक्षा और विश्वास है की बदला होगा, भीषण होगा, सौ गुना हाहाकारी होगा। पर इंडिया इजराइल नहीं बन सकता, और ना ही बन पाएगा। छोटे से इजराइल पर आस पास के 10 देश अटैक कर दे, पर तब भी वो छः दिन के अंदर उन्हें धूल चटा कर वापस उन्हीं के घर में बिठा देता है। एक छोटे से देश पर कोई एक ग्रेनेड फेंकने से पहले 10 बार सोचता है, क्योंकि खुद पर हुए नुकसान से 10 गुना नुकसान वापस झेलना पड़ेगा।

भारत इजराइल क्यों नहीं बन सकता ??

क्योंकि इजराइल में कोई JNU नहीं जहां इजराइल के युवा 'इजराइल, तेरे टुकड़े होंगे' के नारे लगा सकें। इजराइल में कोई सरकार चुने जाने के दो महीने के अंदर किसी गंभीर आरोपों में घिरी नलिनी सुंदर नामक किसी नक्सली को क्लीन चिट नहीं देती।

क्योंकि इजराइल जब ऑपेरशन Munich करता है तो वहां का विपक्ष सबूत मांग कर देश व सेना को अपमानित नहीं करता।

क्योंकि वहां ना तो आतंकवादियों के लिए रात दो बजे कोर्ट खुलते हैं और ना ही वहां के पत्रकार आतंकियों की लिए मानवाधिकार का रंडी रोना रोते हैं। और ना ही वहां के पत्रकार आतंकी को टेररिस्ट कहने के बजाय मिलिटेंट या उग्रवादी कहते हैं।

क्योंकि इजराइल के कोई जाट, गुर्जर, मराठा इजराइल के पब्लिक प्रोपर्टी को नहीं जलाते। वहां देश सर्वोपरि होता है, जाति या धर्म नहीं।

क्योंकि वहां के नेता, सेनाध्यक्ष को कुत्ता, गुंडा नहीं कहते। टैक्सपेयर्स के पैसों पे पढ़ने वाले शेला रशीद या कन्हैया कुमार जैसे जोंक नहीं है वहाँ जो आर्मी को रेपिस्ट बताते फिरे।

क्योंकि वहां के अभिनेता अपनी धरती पर जहां वो पैदा हुए हैं, जहां वो सफल हुए हैं, उस पर शर्मिंदा नहीं होते। असहिष्णुता का नाटक नहीं करते।

क्योंकि वहां लोग नेतन्याहू या उसकी पार्टी का विरोध करते करते इजराइल विरोधी नहीं हो जाते। यहाँ आपको सैकड़ो मिलेंगे जिनके मन में एक अजीब सी खुशी है कि बस इसी बहाने मोदी, भाजपा पर कीचड़ उछालेंगे कि बहुत कूद रहे थे कि कोई आतंकवादी हमला नहीं हुआ।

क्योंकि कर्जमाफी, बेरोजगारी भत्ते और जातिवाद के चक्कर में इजराइल के लोग बॉर्डर से जुड़े राज्य, वो राज्य जहां सिमी या नक्सली पनपने का डर हो - आतंकवादियों और नक्सलियों के हिमायती को नहीं सौंपते।

क्योंकि वहां के युवा देश तोड़ने की बातें नहीं करते, वहां के नेता ऐसे देश विरोधी लगाने वाले छात्रों के पीछे नहीं खड़े होते, और ना ही वहां की जनता किसी बात के लालच में आकर ऐसे नेताओं के पीछे खड़ी होती है। वहां का विपक्ष अपने धुर विरोधी ईरान में जाकर ये नहीं कहता कि आप नेतन्याहू को हटाने में हमारी मदद करो।

आज जो पाकिस्तान को साफ करने की बात कर रहे हैं, और सच में युद्ध हो जाये तो प्याज-पेट्रोल-टमाटर महंगे हो गए तो सड़कों पर आ जायेंगे। दाल फ्राई खाने का शौकीन देश टमाटर महंगे होना नहीं सहन कर सकता।

बरगद बन जाने की बातें करते हैं गमले में उगे हुए लोग।

नहीं बन सकते हैं हम इजराइल। क्योंकि इजराइल अपनी टेक्नोलॉजी, अपने आयुधों या हथियारों से इजराइल नहीं है। इजराइल अपने नागरिकों के कारण इजराइल है। और इसी तरह से भारत अपने 'नागरिकों' की वजह से ही भारत है। इसे कोई मोदी या कोई भी और आकर नहीं बदल सकता, जब तक हम ही नहीं दृढ़निश्चित हो।

आज शायद बाहर का पता नहीं, अंदर तो एक जबरदस्त सर्जिकल स्ट्राइक की आवश्यकता है। ये नहीं हो पाया तो लुटेरे लूटने के लिए तैयार बैठे हैं।

वक़्त ये भी है कि हम इजराइल बनें, कि हमारे चुने हुए प्रतिनिधियों को विश्वास हो कि कुछ भी हो, देश की संप्रभुता और सुरक्षा के लिए देश एक रहेगा, सिर्फ ऐसे युद्ध काल में ही नहीं, वरन हमेशा। नहीं तो ऐसे ही देश पर चोट दर चोट आती रहेगी।

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INDO - US RELATIONS : Full Details (Trade and Economy)


1. On 26 July 18, U.S. President Donald J. Trump hosted Indian Prime Minister Narendra
Modi for the first face-to-face meeting between the two leaders in Washington, DC. This was Modi‘s fifth visit to the United States since becoming prime minister. This meeting was special because the present president didn‘t necessarily share his two immediate predecessors‘predispositions toward India.
2. US President claimed that USA is looking forward to working towards creating jobs in both the countries and a trading relationship that is fair and reciprocal.‘ Trump termed India and the US as global engines of growth. While Indian Prime Minister Modi said that India considers the US as its primary partner for social and economic transformation in flagship programs.

3. There were other highlights of the meeting including terrorism, North Korea, Pakistan, economic cooperation, defence deals, and investment in India.


4. Anti-terrorism. Trump used the strongest words to address the issue of terrorism. The US statement read- ―The security partnership between the US and India is incredibly important. Both nations have been struck by the evils of terrorism and we are both determined to destroy terrorist organisations and the radical ideology that drives them. We will destroy radical Islamic terrorism.

5. Trade and Economy.
(a) Trump urged Modi to do more to relax Indian trade barriers during talks in which both leaders took great pains to stress the importance of a strong US-India relationship. Donald Trump said that he is keen to work with PM Modi on creating a ―fair and reciprocal‖ trading relationship between the two nations and called for the removal of ―barriers‖ for the export of US goods into Indian markets.

Saturday, 23 February 2019

Every Defence Aspirants should Know about Indian Military Academy (IMA) : Full Details

Address: Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India
Full Name: Indian Military Academy (aka IMA)
Established: 1 October 1932
Motto: Valor and Wisdom
Colours: Blood red and Steel Grey        
Type: Army Academy
Area: 5.7 km2 (1,400 acres)
Training Duration: One Year (TGC/NDA) / One and Half years (CDSE)

The first batch of 40 Trainees (GC or Gentleman Cadets as called at IMA) began training on October 1, 1932, Brigadier L.P. Collins was the first Commandant. On 10 December 1932, the institute was inaugurated by Field Marshal Chetwode. Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw was one of the Gentlemen who passed in the first batch
Training at IMA is aimed to mold the physical and mental skills and improve the leadership skills of cadets. Training at IMA includes Physical training, drills, weapons training, leadership development, and practices form the focus of the training. Full emphasis is given to sports facilities in the academy, the academy is equipped with courts of outdoor games and indoor games.  North Campus of the Academy has a Polo Ground along the Tons River.
Cadet Life
A cadet is expected to follow the following rule in his life, these lines are excerpted from the speech of Field Marshal Chetwode at the inauguration of the academy in 1932
The safety, honor and welfare of your country comes first, always and every time.
The honor, welfare and comfort of the men you command come next.
Your own ease, comfort and safety come last, always and every time.
Modes of Admission
NDA – Conducted twice in a year
CDSE – Conducted twice in a year
TGC – Technical Graduate Course Conducted twice in a year
IMA is in the foothills of the Himalayas, the weather around the academy best suits the training purpose to train young mens into dynamic warriors.
Notable alumni
Following are the names of some of the notable alumni of IMA. The list is long and is increasing.
Captain Manoj Kumar Pandey, Captain Vikram Batra, Captain Anuj Nayyar, General Yahya Khan, General Muhammad Musa, General Tikka Khan, Lt General Ghulam Jilani Khan, Lt General Habibullah Khan Khattak, General Ibrahim Ismail.

How to prepare for the SSB Interview?

How to prepare for SSB Interview ?
SSB Interview is one of the challenging Interviews of the country. However, at the same time, it is surprising to know that the interview is fairly simple as well when you keep the basics right. So today let us talk about three of those basic things that you need to set right before you go for your SSB Interview.
Be Yourself
It is not a bad thing to have a role model but one should not try to copy his or her role model, you must get inspiration from your role model. Some candidates go for coaching or take advice from people/friends who have qualified SSB Interview before, it is good to undergo coaching or take advice but don’t try to impersonate them. The officers who interviewing you are the ones having years of experience behind them, within a second they can make out if you are coached or not. So keep in mind taking coaching is not a bad thing but after coaching your try to be someone who you are not then it will count against you.
Be aware of your surroundings
The preparation for SSB does not only includes practicing OIR, TAT, SRT, SD, GTO etc. in fact the preparation for the SSB does not begin or end only with the SSB Interview, the skills which you require to pass the interview are those that will stand you good for the rest of your life whether you are joining the arm forces or not joining them, these skills will be useful for you for the rest of your life. 
One is expected to be aware of surrounding because we learn a lot of things from the things happening around us. The important skills one needs to develop for SSB Interview of for life, in general, are skills of teamwork, communication, general awareness, and knowledge. You can’t enhance these skills or develop them within a few weeks time. So you must be aware of the world and more specifically the Indian context of it. If India is signing a deal with a foreign country then what is the purpose and how we will get benefited from that. So, make a habit of reading newspaper or following a television show which does an in-depth analysis of subject matter.

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